Discussion Starters

Sometimes, when we are talking with people about hard things, it’s useful to have something visual to look at: something biblical, something simple, something clear.

These infographics are not designed to be just given out with no interaction. They’re not the kind of thing you want to just pop through someone’s door. They are designed to be used within a conversation to help people reflect, know and grow in their understanding.

For example, over a period of weeks, you might want to go round the different facets of God’s character listed on the card – or dwell deeply on just one. You might want to use the cards to help someone build their identity in Christ – one facet at a time – or look at all the truths in one go and let your friend see how loved they are.

What is true of me when I am a Christian?

How do the Psalms describe God?

What is God doing when life hurts?