Childlessness: a lament

Sometimes in the deepest moments of pain, it can be hard to articulate our feelings – we need people to help us turn to the Lord in prayer. One of the privileges of walking alongside people in their times of struggle is helping them to express their despair but also lift their eyes to see hope. But what does that look like? This week, on the Biblical Counselling UK blog, Tim and Dorcas Berry share one of their laments on their experience of childlessness: a real and raw outpouring of pain – a beautiful embodiment of hope.

If you are going through something similar – or know someone who is – we hope their words might give you words to turn to the Lord.

If you are going through something different – or know someone who is – we hope the structure and format might give you an idea of what you could write to bring your own words of lament to the Lord:

Abba Father, All sufficient One
Bridegroom to whom I’m wed in Christ
Comforter and closest companion
Deliverer and dispenser of grace

Everyone feels distant and disinterested
Fertility struggles have set me on a different path
Get-togethers, play-dates, toddler-groups, school-gates
Haven’t happened – ‘never happens’ – story of my life

Isolation, awkwardness on my part – and theirs
Jettisoned, not knowing what to say or do
Kid-focused lives, dominating talk and play
Leaving me looking in from outside – alone

My soul-mate (or supposed to be) doesn’t get me
Not attentive or affectionate, or even aware of my grief
Off in their own world; ignoring their pain …and me
Poles apart; a brick wall between; not hearing my silent scream

Quieten my heart; wean me and make me content in you, O God
Revive my faith; redeem my pain; restore my fortunes
Succour and strengthen; send me out renewed and ready
Testifying of grace, and your making all things new

Unite me with my spouse so we’re in it together
Valuing the covenant union we’re in – along with you
Win my spouse back by captivating them with Christ before me
X-ray our hearts to show if our love for you is supreme

Your love as my bridegroom and perfect friend – the one who died in my place
Zeroes me in to love you and others the same

For further laments and other resources on infertility, visit the resources section of the website.